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San Jose Dysport: Prevent & Smooth Wrinkles with Ease

Preventing unwanted symptoms of aging is often easier than correcting them after they have already formed. With the rapid advancements made in modern cosmetic treatments, injectable wrinkle relaxers have become one of the most popular anti-aging treatments available. Our San Jose Dysport® treatment is an FDA-approved BOTOX® alternative that has proven successful for many patients interested in quick, safe and effective results.

What is Dysport®?

Like BOTOX®, Dysport focuses on preventing wrinkles before they form. Dysport® is derived from botulinum toxin type A, a versatile neurotoxin that can temporarily immobilize small facial muscles when injected into muscle tissue. When administered by a qualified professional, Dysport® can be used to selectively target specific areas of the face to freeze small muscle movements and prevent wrinkles from forming.

While some patients worry about a “frozen” appearance that looks unnatural, our skilled injectors can inject Dysport® precisely into the correct areas on your face so you are able to address concerns without losing your natural facial expressions.

Dysport San Jose

What does Dysport® treat?

The natural degradation of the body’s supply of hyaluronic acid during the process of aging, coupled with weakened collagen and elastin fibers, leads to progressively deeper wrinkles that eventually become etched into your facial skin.

When you smile, frown and laugh, your facial muscles move to form expressions, creating folds and creases in the skin, called dynamic wrinkles. When you relax your face, these creases disappear, but as time passes, these are constantly visible. Unfortunately, a loss of skin hydration and youthful elasticity causes the skin folds to stay pronounced even after relaxing your face, turning them into static wrinkles: visible evidence of aging.

Dysport® is FDA-approved for use in treating glabellar lines, the wrinkles located between your eyebrows that are also referred to as “frown lines” or “11’s.”

Our Palo Alto Dysport® treatment can also be used off-label by an experienced injector to target other areas of wrinkles throughout the face such as:

  • Drooping brow
  • Crow’s feet
  • Forehead lines
  • Neck bands
  • Overactive jaw muscles

Injectable neurotoxins are often the preferred treatment for mild to moderate wrinkles, although dermal fillers such as Juvéderm® and Restylane® are often indicated if you have experienced volume loss.

Elbert & Jacqueline Cheng MD A family of Surgeons

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Why Choose Us?

Our brother and sister doctor team are double board-certified in not only plastic surgery, but reconstructive head and neck surgery as well. They utilize their training and knowledge of facial anatomy to determine the best placement and dosage for your injections.

Both doctors have been National Allergan Trainers for 15 years. Your treatments will be carried out by qualified and experienced experts.

We will provide you with attentive and personalized care and build life-long relationships with many of our patients.

You will be made to feel like a member of our family rather than just another client. We ensure that you are satisfied and happy with the results of your procedure.

What to Expect During Your Dysport® Treatment

We inject Dysport® using very fine needles in order to minimize any discomfort during the procedure. Although many patients find their injections to be comfortable without anesthesia, we are more than happy to provide a topical numbing cream upon your request for further ease.

Appointments usually last 15 to 30 minutes. When receiving Dysport in San Jose, your physician will strategically inject the product into mapped injection points, taking care to spread the effects evenly for natural-looking results.

San Jose Dysport

Recovering From Dysport® Injections

Following your Dysport® injections, you are free to immediately return to work or resume your normal schedule. With no downtime and limited side effects, Dysport® treatments create a minimal amount of disruption to your busy life, while providing very satisfying results. Results will develop quickly in about two to five days, slightly faster than the three- to seven-day wait required with BOTOX®. Final results will be visible in two weeks or less. We will schedule a follow-up appointment with Dr. Cheng to assess your results once they have completely developed.

Some patients experience some mild side effects from their Dysport® treatments, including bruising, swelling or soreness. Side effects will fade quickly in a day or two and can be covered up using makeup as desired. Once fully developed, the effects of Dysport® will last about three to four months. Most patients schedule their maintenance appointments about three months apart to ensure continuous, long-lasting results.


Is Dysport similar to BOTOX®?

Like BOTOX®, Dysport® focuses on preventing wrinkles before they form. Dysport® is derived from botulinum toxin type A, a versatile neurotoxin that can temporarily immobilize small facial muscles when injected into muscle tissue. With a thinner and smoother formulation than BOTOX®, Dysport® tends to diffuse more evenly for a very smooth and natural look.

Can Dysport® be used preventatively?

When administered by a qualified professional, Dysport® can be used to selectively target specific areas of the face to freeze small muscle movements and prevent wrinkles from forming in the first place.

Will Dysport® make me look unnatural?

While some patients worry about receiving a “frozen” appearance, our skilled injectors can inject Dysport precisely to smooth away wrinkles so that you can retain your natural facial expressions.

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